Walk Unafraid. April 1 - 30, 2006

Walk Unafraid Pittsfield
City Hall, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Red Collaborative Presents Public Art Installation
Artist-activist and Red Collaborative Founder, Gabrielle Senza, together with 12 workshop participants installed the Walk Unafraid Pittsfield public art project on Saturday, April 1, 2006 at City Hall in Pittsfield Massachusetts.
"I feel it was a very successful workshop," Senza states, "because all of the participants - many of whom have been in abusive relationships and have felt helpless, disempowered and ashamed - really felt at the end of the day that THEY now carry the torch for others.

"Each woman who participated, realizes she actually has the power within to do something important in the world. Not only were they each courageous enough to seek help at the women's shelter, but they also came out to take part in a public art project that helps raise awareness about the silent epidemic of abuse. They know they can now be a strong voice of support and encouragement to other women who are in dangerous relationships and follow their path to find help. I think we all felt incredibly uplifted and empowered at the end of the day. I couldn't ask for more than that!"
The twelve Red Collaborative participants (Melissa, Sue, Karen, Ana, Mary, Karen C. Olivia, Davina, Gabrielle, Lydia, Marnie & Tory) ranged in age from 8 to 48. Four came from the Freeman House, a shelter for abused women and children; two are therapists, two are teenagers, three are artists and one, a volunteer. Nine of the twelve are mothers. Eleven of the twelve were either victims of violence or related to someone who was a victim. They are ALL courageous! They are all survivors.
The installation will be on view through April 30, 2006
For more information, call Red Collaborative at 413.528.3917
Berkshire County Kids' Place & Violence Prevention Center,The Elizabeth Freeman Center, The City of Pittsfield, St. Stephen's Parish, Mayor James Ruberto, Hannah Anderson, Dana Brandon, Mary Campbell, Karen Cellini, Tom Ellis, Sue Kelly, Pam Malumphy, Katrina Mattson, Jim McGrath, Deborah Hammer-Phillips , Ananda Timpane, Megan Whilden, and Jeff Winslow.
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